Official Volleyball Box Score

Bates vs. Framingham St.

10/24/2015 at 1:00pm
@ Emerson (Brown Plofker Gym)
22-8, 4-1
Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Bates (7-13,3-6) 21 25 14 24 1
Framingham St. (22-8, 4-1) 25 17 25 26 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
BAT -- 1st -- FRA
  FRA starters: Annie DeLoid; Sarah Leonard; Julia Wan; Alycia Rackliffe; Danielle Girard; Mackenzie Webster; libero Sara Malicka.  
  BAT starters: Jacqueline Forney; Mary Deneen; Chandler McGrath; Nicole Peraica; Lisa Slivken; Reilly Murphy; libero Augy Silver.  
1-0 [Jacqueline Forney] Attack error by Alycia Rackliffe (block by Reilly Murphy). Point BAT
2-0 [Jacqueline Forney] Attack error by Danielle Girard. Point BAT
3-0 [Jacqueline Forney] Attack error by Mackenzie Webster. Point BAT
[Jacqueline Forney] Attack error by Lisa Slivken. Point FRA 3-1
[Danielle Girard] Attack error by Nicole Peraica. Point FRA 3-2
4-2 [Danielle Girard] Kill by Lisa Slivken (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Laryssa Schepel.  
[Laryssa Schepel] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 4-3
5-3 [Sara Malicka] Kill by Nicole Peraica (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
[Augy Silver] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 5-4
6-4 [Alycia Rackliffe] Kill by Chandler McGrath (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Hannah Tardie.  
[Hannah Tardie] Attack error by Laryssa Schepel. Point FRA 6-5
7-5 [Annie DeLoid] Kill by Chandler McGrath (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Lisa Slivken.  
  FRA subs: Megan Leavens.  
[Chandler McGrath] Service error. Point FRA 7-6
8-6 [Julia Wan] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Reilly Murphy.  
[Mary Deneen] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 8-7
9-7 [Sarah Leonard] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Jacqueline Forney; Nicole Peraica.  
[Jacqueline Forney] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 9-8
  FRA subs: Annie DeLoid.  
10-8 [Danielle Girard] Kill by Nicole Peraica. Point BAT
11-8 [Laryssa Schepel] Kill by Reilly Murphy (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
12-8 [Laryssa Schepel] Service ace (Julia Wan). Point BAT
[Laryssa Schepel] Attack error by Nicole Peraica. Point FRA 12-9
13-9 [Sara Malicka] Kill by Nicole Peraica (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
14-9 [Augy Silver] Attack error by Alycia Rackliffe. Point BAT
15-9 [Augy Silver] Attack error by Alycia Rackliffe (block by Mary Deneen; Chandler McGrath). Point BAT
16-9 [Augy Silver] Kill by Nicole Peraica (from Augy Silver). Point BAT
[Augy Silver] Attack error by Chandler McGrath (block by Alycia Rackliffe; Julia Wan). Point FRA 16-10
17-10 [Alycia Rackliffe] Service error. Point BAT
  BAT subs: Hannah Tardie; Claire Naughton.  
18-10 [Hannah Tardie] Attack error by Annie DeLoid. Point BAT
[Hannah Tardie] Kill by Julia Wan (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 18-11
[Annie DeLoid] Service ace (Augy Silver). Point FRA 18-12
19-12 [Annie DeLoid] Attack error by Danielle Girard (block by Mary Deneen; Claire Naughton). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Lisa Slivken.  
  FRA subs: Megan Leavens.  
[Chandler McGrath] Attack error by Mary Deneen (block by Julia Wan). Point FRA 19-13
[Julia Wan] Kill by Danielle Girard (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 19-14
20-14 [Julia Wan] Attack error by Alycia Rackliffe (block by Mary Deneen). Point BAT
  Timeout Framingham St..  
[Mary Deneen] Kill by Danielle Girard (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 20-15
[Sarah Leonard] Kill by Danielle Girard (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 20-16
[Sarah Leonard] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 20-17
21-17 [Sarah Leonard] Kill by Reilly Murphy (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Jacqueline Forney; Nicole Peraica.  
[Jacqueline Forney] Kill by Mackenzie Webster (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 21-18
  FRA subs: Annie DeLoid.  
[Danielle Girard] Service ace (Chandler McGrath). Point FRA 21-19
[Danielle Girard] Service ace (Augy Silver). Point FRA 21-20
  Timeout Bates.  
[Danielle Girard] Attack error by Jacqueline Forney. Point FRA 21-21
[Danielle Girard] Attack error by Lisa Slivken. Point FRA 21-22
[Danielle Girard] Attack error by Chandler McGrath (block by Alycia Rackliffe). Point FRA 21-23
[Danielle Girard] Service ace (Augy Silver). Point FRA 21-24
[Danielle Girard] Kill by Julia Wan (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 21-25
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BAT -- 2nd -- FRA
[Sarah Leonard] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 0-1
[Sarah Leonard] Attack error by Reilly Murphy. Point FRA 0-2
1-2 [Sarah Leonard] Service error. Point BAT
  BAT subs: Augy Silver.  
2-2 [Augy Silver] Service ace (Julia Wan). Point BAT
[Augy Silver] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 2-3
3-3 [Danielle Girard] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
[Laryssa Schepel] Service error. Point FRA 3-4
[Sara Malicka] Service ace (Augy Silver). Point FRA 3-5
4-5 [Sara Malicka] Service error. Point BAT
  BAT subs: Hannah Tardie; Nicole Peraica.  
5-5 [Hannah Tardie] Service ace (Alycia Rackliffe). Point BAT
[Hannah Tardie] Service error. Point FRA 5-6
6-6 [Alycia Rackliffe] Attack error by Julia Wan. Point BAT
  BAT subs: Lisa Slivken.  
7-6 [Chandler McGrath] Kill by Nicole Peraica (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
[Chandler McGrath] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 7-7
8-7 [Annie DeLoid] Ball handling error by Alycia Rackliffe. Point BAT
  FRA subs: Megan Leavens.  
9-7 [Mary Deneen] Kill by Reilly Murphy (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
10-7 [Mary Deneen] Kill by Nicole Peraica (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
11-7 [Mary Deneen] Kill by Chandler McGrath. Point BAT
12-7 [Mary Deneen] Bad set by Sara Malicka. Point BAT
  Timeout Framingham St..  
[Mary Deneen] Kill by Julia Wan (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 12-8
  FRA subs: Mackenzie Webster.  
13-8 [Julia Wan] Kill by Nicole Peraica (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Jacqueline Forney; Claire Naughton.  
[Jacqueline Forney] Bad set by Jacqueline Forney. Point FRA 13-9
[Sarah Leonard] Kill by Julia Wan. Point FRA 13-10
14-10 [Sarah Leonard] Service error. Point BAT
  BAT subs: Augy Silver.  
[Augy Silver] Kill by Danielle Girard (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 14-11
  FRA subs: Annie DeLoid.  
15-11 [Danielle Girard] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
16-11 [Laryssa Schepel] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
[Laryssa Schepel] Kill by Julia Wan (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 16-12
17-12 [Sara Malicka] Attack error by Annie DeLoid. Point BAT
  BAT subs: Hannah Tardie; Nicole Peraica.  
18-12 [Hannah Tardie] Attack error by Alycia Rackliffe (block by Chandler McGrath; Mary Deneen). Point BAT
19-12 [Hannah Tardie] Kill by Chandler McGrath (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
  Timeout Framingham St..  
[Hannah Tardie] Attack error by Augy Silver. Point FRA 19-13
[Alycia Rackliffe] Kill by Annie DeLoid (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 19-14
20-14 [Alycia Rackliffe] Kill by Chandler McGrath (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Lisa Slivken.  
[Chandler McGrath] Attack error by Lisa Slivken. Point FRA 20-15
21-15 [Annie DeLoid] Service error. Point BAT
  FRA subs: Megan Leavens.  
[Mary Deneen] Kill by Julia Wan (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 21-16
  FRA subs: Mackenzie Webster.  
[Julia Wan] Attack error by Nicole Peraica. Point FRA 21-17
22-17 [Julia Wan] Kill by Lisa Slivken (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Jacqueline Forney; Claire Naughton.  
23-17 [Jacqueline Forney] Attack error by Danielle Girard (block by Claire Naughton; Reilly Murphy). Point BAT
24-17 [Jacqueline Forney] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
25-17 [Jacqueline Forney] Kill by Reilly Murphy (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
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BAT -- 3rd -- FRA
[Jacqueline Forney] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 0-1
1-1 [Danielle Girard] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Augy Silver.  
[Augy Silver] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 1-2
[Sara Malicka] Attack error by Reilly Murphy (block by Julia Wan; Alycia Rackliffe). Point FRA 1-3
[Sara Malicka] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Julia Wan). Point FRA 1-4
2-4 [Sara Malicka] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
3-4 [Laryssa Schepel] Service ace (Sara Malicka). Point BAT
4-4 [Laryssa Schepel] Attack error by Julia Wan. Point BAT
[Laryssa Schepel] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 4-5
[Alycia Rackliffe] Service ace (Augy Silver). Point FRA 4-6
5-6 [Alycia Rackliffe] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Hannah Tardie; Nicole Peraica.  
[Hannah Tardie] Service error. Point FRA 5-7
[Annie DeLoid] Kill by Danielle Girard (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 5-8
[Annie DeLoid] Kill by Julia Wan (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 5-9
[Annie DeLoid] Kill by Sarah Leonard (from Victoria Anderson). Point FRA 5-10
[Annie DeLoid] Kill by Danielle Girard (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 5-11
  Timeout Bates.  
[Annie DeLoid] Attack error by Nicole Peraica. Point FRA 5-12
[Annie DeLoid] Kill by Julia Wan (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 5-13
[Annie DeLoid] Bad set by Hannah Tardie. Point FRA 5-14
[Annie DeLoid] Attack error by Chandler McGrath (block by Julia Wan; Danielle Girard). Point FRA 5-15
6-15 [Annie DeLoid] Kill by Nicole Peraica (from Laryssa Schepel). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Lisa Slivken.  
[Chandler McGrath] Kill by Danielle Girard (from Alycia Rackliffe). Point FRA 6-16
[Julia Wan] Attack error by Lisa Slivken. Point FRA 6-17
7-17 [Julia Wan] Kill by Nicole Peraica (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
8-17 [Mary Deneen] Kill by Nicole Peraica (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
[Mary Deneen] Kill by Mackenzie Webster (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 8-18
9-18 [Sarah Leonard] Bad set by Megan Leavens. Point BAT
  BAT subs: Jacqueline Forney; Claire Naughton.  
[Jacqueline Forney] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Megan Leavens). Point FRA 9-19
  FRA subs: Annie DeLoid.  
10-19 [Danielle Girard] Kill by Lisa Slivken. Point BAT
[Augy Silver] Attack error by Claire Naughton. Point FRA 10-20
11-20 [Sara Malicka] Kill by Chandler McGrath (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
[Laryssa Schepel] Kill by Julia Wan (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 11-21
  Timeout Bates.  
[Alycia Rackliffe] Attack error by Laryssa Schepel. Point FRA 11-22
[Alycia Rackliffe] Kill by Sarah Leonard. Point FRA 11-23
12-23 [Alycia Rackliffe] Attack error by Alycia Rackliffe. Point BAT
13-23 [Hannah Tardie] Kill by Chandler McGrath (from Augy Silver). Point BAT
[Hannah Tardie] Kill by Annie DeLoid (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 13-24
14-24 [Annie DeLoid] Kill by Nicole Peraica (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Lisa Slivken.  
  FRA subs: Megan Leavens.  
[Chandler McGrath] Bad set by Hannah Tardie. Point FRA 14-25
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BAT -- 4th -- FRA
1-0 [Sarah Leonard] Kill by Lisa Slivken (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Augy Silver.  
2-0 [Augy Silver] Attack error by Alycia Rackliffe. Point BAT
3-0 [Augy Silver] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Laryssa Schepel). Point BAT
[Augy Silver] Kill by Danielle Girard (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 3-1
[Danielle Girard] Service ace (Chandler McGrath). Point FRA 3-2
[Danielle Girard] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 3-3
[Danielle Girard] Kill by Annie DeLoid (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 3-4
4-4 [Danielle Girard] Kill by Claire Naughton. Point BAT
[Laryssa Schepel] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 4-5
[Sara Malicka] Attack error by Chandler McGrath (block by Alycia Rackliffe). Point FRA 4-6
[Sara Malicka] Attack error by Chandler McGrath (block by Alycia Rackliffe; Julia Wan). Point FRA 4-7
5-7 [Sara Malicka] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
[Hannah Tardie] Attack error by Chandler McGrath. Point FRA 5-8
6-8 [Alycia Rackliffe] Kill by Chandler McGrath (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Lisa Slivken.  
7-8 [Chandler McGrath] Service ace (Sara Malicka). Point BAT
[Chandler McGrath] Kill by Julia Wan (from Alycia Rackliffe). Point FRA 7-9
8-9 [Annie DeLoid] Ball handling error by Sarah Leonard. Point BAT
  FRA subs: Megan Leavens.  
9-9 [Mary Deneen] Kill by Reilly Murphy (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
10-9 [Mary Deneen] Service ace (TEAM). Point BAT
[Mary Deneen] Kill by Danielle Girard (from Sarah Leonard), block error by Reilly Murphy. Point FRA 10-10
[Julia Wan] Kill by Danielle Girard (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 10-11
11-11 [Julia Wan] Attack error by Mackenzie Webster (block by Reilly Murphy). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Reilly Murphy; Claire Naughton.  
[Jacqueline Forney] Service error. Point FRA 11-12
[Sarah Leonard] Service ace (Lisa Slivken). Point FRA 11-13
[Sarah Leonard] Attack error by Claire Naughton. Point FRA 11-14
12-14 [Sarah Leonard] Kill by Lisa Slivken (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
13-14 [Augy Silver] Service ace (Julia Wan). Point BAT
[Augy Silver] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 13-15
  FRA subs: Annie DeLoid.  
[Danielle Girard] Attack error by Claire Naughton. Point FRA 13-16
  Timeout Bates.  
14-16 [Danielle Girard] Kill by Chandler McGrath (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
[Laryssa Schepel] Service error. Point FRA 14-17
15-17 [Sara Malicka] Kill by Claire Naughton (from Jacqueline Forney), block error by Julia Wan. Point BAT
  BAT subs: Hannah Tardie; Nicole Peraica.  
[Chandler McGrath] Kill by Julia Wan (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 15-18
16-18 [Chandler McGrath] Attack error by Alycia Rackliffe. Point BAT
17-18 [Chandler McGrath] Attack error by Alycia Rackliffe. Point BAT
18-18 [Chandler McGrath] Kill by Reilly Murphy. Point BAT
[Chandler McGrath] Kill by Annie DeLoid (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 18-19
19-19 [Annie DeLoid] Kill by Lisa Slivken (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
  Timeout Framingham St..  
20-19 [Mary Deneen] Kill by Nicole Peraica (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
21-19 [Mary Deneen] Attack error by Julia Wan (block by Nicole Peraica; Reilly Murphy). Point BAT
22-19 [Mary Deneen] Attack error by Julia Wan (block by Lisa Slivken; Reilly Murphy). Point BAT
[Mary Deneen] Kill by Danielle Girard. Point FRA 22-20
[Julia Wan] Service ace (TEAM). Point FRA 22-21
[Julia Wan] Kill by Danielle Girard (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 22-22
[Julia Wan] Attack error by Lisa Slivken (block by Sarah Leonard; Mackenzie Webster). Point FRA 22-23
  Timeout Bates.  
23-23 [Julia Wan] Kill by Lisa Slivken (from Hannah Tardie). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Jacqueline Forney; Claire Naughton.  
[Jacqueline Forney] Kill by Sarah Leonard (from Megan Leavens). Point FRA 23-24
24-24 [Sarah Leonard] Kill by Lisa Slivken (from Jacqueline Forney). Point BAT
  BAT subs: Augy Silver.  
[Augy Silver] Kill by Alycia Rackliffe (from Sarah Leonard). Point FRA 24-25
[Danielle Girard] Ball handling error by Jacqueline Forney. Point FRA 24-26
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