Official Volleyball Box Score


9/23/2015 at 7:00pm
@ North Adams, MA (Amsler CC Gym)
Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Norwich (2-6) 25 22 17 17 1
MCLA (10-3) 21 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
NORWICH -- 1st -- MCLA
  NORWICH starters: Adrianna Watrobski; Courtney Quinn; Katherine Crane; Tara Lyons; Emily Oliver; Alex Ruediger; libero Kristen Brewer.  
  MCLA starters: Allison Clark; Angelica Perfido; Rachel Mills; Courtney Parent; Sam Anderson; Margaret Allen; libero Chanielle Enomoto.  
[Courtney Parent] Kill by Rachel Mills (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 0-1
[Courtney Parent] Service ace (TEAM). Point MCLA 0-2
1-2 [Courtney Parent] Attack error by Rachel Mills (block by Emily Oliver). Point NORWICH
[Emily Oliver] Ball handling error by Kristen Brewer. Point MCLA 1-3
2-3 [Angelica Perfido] Service error. Point NORWICH
[Tara Lyons] Kill by Margaret Allen (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 2-4
  MCLA subs: Sam Anderson.  
[Margaret Allen] Attack error by Courtney Quinn. Point MCLA 2-5
  NORWICH subs: Alex Ruediger.  
[Margaret Allen] Attack error by Katherine Crane (block by Sam Anderson). Point MCLA 2-6
[Margaret Allen] Kill by Allison Clark. Point MCLA 2-7
3-7 [Margaret Allen] Service error. Point NORWICH
[Adrianna Watrobski] Kill by Angelica Perfido (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 3-8
  MCLA subs: Beatrice Lechler.  
[Beatrice Lechler] Kill by Allison Clark (from Angelica Perfido). Point MCLA 3-9
4-9 [Beatrice Lechler] Ball handling error by Courtney Parent. Point NORWICH
5-9 [Alex Ruediger] Service ace (Chanielle Enomoto). Point NORWICH
[Alex Ruediger] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 5-10
  MCLA subs: Brittney Pihl.  
6-10 [Brittney Pihl] Attack error by Angelica Perfido. Point NORWICH
  NORWICH subs: Rebecca Gibson.  
7-10 [Rebecca Gibson] Kill by Emily Oliver (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
8-10 [Rebecca Gibson] Bad set by Beatrice Lechler. Point NORWICH
9-10 [Rebecca Gibson] Attack error by Courtney Parent. Point NORWICH
[Rebecca Gibson] Kill by Angelica Perfido (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 9-11
  MCLA subs: Sam DeCarlo.  
10-11 [Sam DeCarlo] Kill by Emily Oliver (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
[Katherine Crane] Kill by Margaret Allen (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 10-12
  MCLA subs: Rachel Mills.  
[Courtney Parent] Kill by Angelica Perfido (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 10-13
11-13 [Courtney Parent] Attack error by Angelica Perfido. Point NORWICH
12-13 [Emily Oliver] Service ace (Chanielle Enomoto). Point NORWICH
13-13 [Emily Oliver] Kill by Katherine Crane (from Emily Oliver). Point NORWICH
[Emily Oliver] Kill by Rachel Mills (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 13-14
  MCLA subs: Allison Clark.  
14-14 [Angelica Perfido] Attack error by Margaret Allen (block by Tara Lyons). Point NORWICH
  NORWICH subs: Courtney Quinn.  
[Tara Lyons] Kill by Rachel Mills (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 14-15
15-15 [Margaret Allen] Attack error by Rachel Mills. Point NORWICH
16-15 [Adrianna Watrobski] Kill by Alex Ruediger. Point NORWICH
[Adrianna Watrobski] Kill by Allison Clark (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 16-16
  MCLA subs: Beatrice Lechler.  
17-16 [Beatrice Lechler] Ball handling error by Chanielle Enomoto. Point NORWICH
[Alex Ruediger] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 17-17
  MCLA subs: Brittney Pihl.  
18-17 [Brittney Pihl] Kill by Emily Oliver (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
  NORWICH subs: Rebecca Gibson; Tara Lyons.  
[Rebecca Gibson] Service error. Point MCLA 18-18
  MCLA subs: Sam DeCarlo.  
19-18 [Sam DeCarlo] Attack error by Angelica Perfido. Point NORWICH
20-18 [Katherine Crane] Kill by Tara Lyons. Point NORWICH
21-18 [Katherine Crane] Attack error by Margaret Allen. Point NORWICH
22-18 [Katherine Crane] Bad set by Chanielle Enomoto. Point NORWICH
  MCLA subs: Rebecca Godbout.  
23-18 [Katherine Crane] Attack error by Rebecca Godbout. Point NORWICH
[Katherine Crane] Kill by Margaret Allen (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 23-19
[Courtney Parent] Service ace (Alex Ruediger). Point MCLA 23-20
24-20 [Courtney Parent] Service error. Point NORWICH
[Emily Oliver] Kill by Margaret Allen (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 24-21
  MCLA subs: Angelica Perfido.  
25-21 [Angelica Perfido] Kill by Tara Lyons (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
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NORWICH -- 2nd -- MCLA
[Adrianna Watrobski] Kill by Allison Clark. Point MCLA 0-1
  MCLA subs: Brittney Pihl.  
  NORWICH subs: Andrea Moreno.  
1-1 [Brittney Pihl] Kill by Tara Lyons (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
  NORWICH subs: Emily Jordan.  
[Alex Ruediger] Kill by Margaret Allen (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 1-2
  MCLA subs: Sam Anderson.  
2-2 [Margaret Allen] Attack error by Rachel Mills (block by Tara Lyons). Point NORWICH
3-2 [Tara Lyons] Kill by Emily Oliver. Point NORWICH
[Tara Lyons] Kill by Rachel Mills (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 3-3
  MCLA subs: Beatrice Lechler.  
4-3 [Beatrice Lechler] Kill by Adrianna Watrobski (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
[Katherine Crane] Ball handling error by Alex Ruediger. Point MCLA 4-4
5-4 [Rachel Mills] Service error. Point NORWICH
[Emily Jordan] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 5-5
  NORWICH subs: Andrea Moreno.  
  MCLA subs: Margaret Allen; Sam DeCarlo.  
6-5 [Sam DeCarlo] Kill by Alex Ruediger (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
[Emily Oliver] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 6-6
7-6 [Courtney Parent] Attack error by Rachel Mills. Point NORWICH
8-6 [Adrianna Watrobski] Kill by Katherine Crane (from Adrianna Watrobski). Point NORWICH
[Adrianna Watrobski] Kill by Allison Clark (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 8-7
  MCLA subs: Brittney Pihl.  
9-7 [Brittney Pihl] Service error. Point NORWICH
  NORWICH subs: Emily Jordan.  
10-7 [Alex Ruediger] Attack error by Angelica Perfido. Point NORWICH
11-7 [Alex Ruediger] Kill by Tara Lyons (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
  MCLA subs: Rebecca Godbout.  
[Alex Ruediger] Attack error by Tara Lyons (block by Margaret Allen). Point MCLA 11-8
12-8 [Margaret Allen] Attack error by Rebecca Godbout. Point NORWICH
  NORWICH subs: Rebecca Gibson.  
[Rebecca Gibson] Service error. Point MCLA 12-9
13-9 [Rebecca Godbout] Attack error by Brittney Pihl. Point NORWICH
[Katherine Crane] Kill by Rachel Mills (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 13-10
  MCLA subs: Beatrice Lechler; Allison Clark.  
14-10 [Rachel Mills] Kill by Emily Oliver (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
[Emily Jordan] Ball handling error by Katherine Crane. Point MCLA 14-11
  NORWICH subs: Andrea Moreno.  
[Sam DeCarlo] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 14-12
[Sam DeCarlo] Service ace (Andrea Moreno). Point MCLA 14-13
15-13 [Sam DeCarlo] Service error. Point NORWICH
[Emily Oliver] Attack error by Alex Ruediger. Point MCLA 15-14
16-14 [Courtney Parent] Attack error by Margaret Allen. Point NORWICH
  NORWICH subs: Emily Jordan.  
17-14 [Adrianna Watrobski] Attack error by Allison Clark. Point NORWICH
[Adrianna Watrobski] Ball handling error by Alex Ruediger. Point MCLA 17-15
[Allison Clark] Attack error by Emily Oliver. Point MCLA 17-16
[Allison Clark] Attack error by Katherine Crane. Point MCLA 17-17
18-17 [Allison Clark] Service error. Point NORWICH
[Alex Ruediger] Kill by Margaret Allen (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 18-18
19-18 [Margaret Allen] Kill by Katherine Crane. Point NORWICH
  NORWICH subs: Rebecca Gibson.  
[Rebecca Gibson] Kill by Beatrice Lechler (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 19-19
[Beatrice Lechler] Service ace (Alex Ruediger). Point MCLA 19-20
[Beatrice Lechler] Attack error by Kristen Brewer. Point MCLA 19-21
20-21 [Beatrice Lechler] Kill by Adrianna Watrobski (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
21-21 [Katherine Crane] Attack error by Rachel Mills (block by Emily Jordan). Point NORWICH
[Katherine Crane] Attack error by Emily Jordan. Point MCLA 21-22
[Rachel Mills] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 21-23
22-23 [Rachel Mills] Kill by Emily Oliver (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
[Emily Jordan] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 22-24
[Sam DeCarlo] Kill by Courtney Parent (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 22-25
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NORWICH -- 3rd -- MCLA
[Courtney Parent] Service ace (Emily Oliver). Point MCLA 0-1
1-1 [Courtney Parent] Ball handling error by Angelica Perfido. Point NORWICH
2-1 [Alex Ruediger] Kill by Emily Jordan (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
3-1 [Alex Ruediger] Ball handling error by Courtney Parent. Point NORWICH
4-1 [Alex Ruediger] Attack error by Margaret Allen. Point NORWICH
5-1 [Alex Ruediger] Attack error by Angelica Perfido. Point NORWICH
  MCLA subs: Beatrice Lechler.  
[Alex Ruediger] Kill by Margaret Allen (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 5-2
  MCLA subs: Rebecca Godbout.  
[Rebecca Godbout] Attack error by Katherine Crane. Point MCLA 5-3
[Rebecca Godbout] Bad set by Katherine Crane. Point MCLA 5-4
[Rebecca Godbout] Service ace (TEAM). Point MCLA 5-5
[Rebecca Godbout] Kill by Margaret Allen. Point MCLA 5-6
6-6 [Rebecca Godbout] Service error. Point NORWICH
[Tara Lyons] Service error. Point MCLA 6-7
[Margaret Allen] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 6-8
7-8 [Margaret Allen] Service error. Point NORWICH
8-8 [Katherine Crane] Attack error by Chanielle Enomoto. Point NORWICH
[Katherine Crane] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 8-9
[Rachel Mills] Service ace (TEAM). Point MCLA 8-10
9-10 [Rachel Mills] Service error. Point NORWICH
10-10 [Emily Jordan] Service ace (Rebecca Godbout). Point NORWICH
[Emily Jordan] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 10-11
  NORWICH subs: Andrea Moreno.  
  MCLA subs: Angelica Perfido.  
11-11 [Allison Clark] Attack error by Sam Anderson. Point NORWICH
  MCLA subs: Sam DeCarlo.  
12-11 [Sam DeCarlo] Kill by Tara Lyons (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
13-11 [Adrianna Watrobski] Kill by Tara Lyons (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
[Adrianna Watrobski] Attack error by Alex Ruediger. Point MCLA 13-12
[Angelica Perfido] Kill by Angelica Perfido. Point MCLA 13-13
14-13 [Beatrice Lechler] Service error. Point NORWICH
  NORWICH subs: Emily Jordan.  
  MCLA subs: Rebecca Godbout.  
[Rebecca Godbout] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 14-14
15-14 [Rebecca Godbout] Attack error by Margaret Allen. Point NORWICH
[Tara Lyons] Attack error by Emily Jordan. Point MCLA 15-15
[Margaret Allen] Service ace (Kristen Brewer). Point MCLA 15-16
[Margaret Allen] Service ace (Adrianna Watrobski). Point MCLA 15-17
[Margaret Allen] Attack error by Emily Jordan. Point MCLA 15-18
16-18 [Margaret Allen] Attack error by Allison Clark. Point NORWICH
[Katherine Crane] Service error. Point MCLA 16-19
[Rachel Mills] Service ace (Kristen Brewer). Point MCLA 16-20
[Rachel Mills] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 16-21
17-21 [Rachel Mills] Kill by Emily Jordan (from Emily Oliver). Point NORWICH
[Emily Jordan] Kill by Allison Clark (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 17-22
[Allison Clark] Kill by Angelica Perfido. Point MCLA 17-23
[Allison Clark] Kill by Sam Anderson. Point MCLA 17-24
[Allison Clark] Kill by Allison Clark. Point MCLA 17-25
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NORWICH -- 4th -- MCLA
[Courtney Quinn] Service error. Point MCLA 0-1
[Rebecca Godbout] Kill by Allison Clark (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 0-2
[Rebecca Godbout] Service ace (Alex Ruediger). Point MCLA 0-3
[Rebecca Godbout] Kill by Margaret Allen (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 0-4
[Rebecca Godbout] Kill by Allison Clark. Point MCLA 0-5
1-5 [Rebecca Godbout] Kill by Tara Lyons (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
[Katherine Crane] Kill by Rachel Mills (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 1-6
[Margaret Allen] Service ace (Alex Ruediger). Point MCLA 1-7
[Margaret Allen] Service ace (Emily Oliver). Point MCLA 1-8
2-8 [Margaret Allen] Service error. Point NORWICH
3-8 [Emily Oliver] Attack error by Sam Anderson. Point NORWICH
4-8 [Emily Oliver] Kill by Kristen Brewer (from Adrianna Watrobski). Point NORWICH
[Emily Oliver] Kill by Allison Clark (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 4-9
  MCLA subs: Angelica Perfido.  
5-9 [Rachel Mills] Kill by Tara Lyons (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
  MCLA subs: Beatrice Lechler.  
[Tara Lyons] Attack error by Adrianna Watrobski (block by Sam Anderson). Point MCLA 5-10
6-10 [Allison Clark] Attack error by Angelica Perfido. Point NORWICH
  MCLA subs: Brittney Pihl.  
7-10 [Adrianna Watrobski] Attack error by Brittney Pihl. Point NORWICH
8-10 [Adrianna Watrobski] Attack error by Courtney Parent (block by Courtney Quinn). Point NORWICH
[Adrianna Watrobski] Service error. Point MCLA 8-11
9-11 [Sam DeCarlo] Kill by Adrianna Watrobski (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
  MCLA subs: Sam Anderson.  
10-11 [Alex Ruediger] Attack error by Courtney Parent. Point NORWICH
11-11 [Alex Ruediger] Attack error by Angelica Perfido. Point NORWICH
[Alex Ruediger] Attack error by Emily Oliver (block by Margaret Allen). Point MCLA 11-12
  MCLA subs: Rachel Mills.  
12-12 [Courtney Parent] Kill by Courtney Quinn (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
  NORWICH subs: Rebecca Gibson.  
13-12 [Rebecca Gibson] Attack error by Rachel Mills (block by Emily Oliver). Point NORWICH
[Rebecca Gibson] Kill by Rachel Mills (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 13-13
  MCLA subs: Rebecca Godbout; Allison Clark.  
[Rebecca Godbout] Kill by Allison Clark. Point MCLA 13-14
[Rebecca Godbout] Kill by Allison Clark (from Rachel Mills). Point MCLA 13-15
14-15 [Rebecca Godbout] Service error. Point NORWICH
[Katherine Crane] Kill by Allison Clark (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 14-16
[Margaret Allen] Kill by Rachel Mills (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 14-17
[Margaret Allen] Kill by Rachel Mills. Point MCLA 14-18
[Margaret Allen] Kill by Rachel Mills (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 14-19
[Margaret Allen] Attack error by Adrianna Watrobski. Point MCLA 14-20
15-20 [Margaret Allen] Service error. Point NORWICH
[Emily Oliver] Kill by Sam Anderson (from Courtney Parent). Point MCLA 15-21
  MCLA subs: Beatrice Lechler.  
[Beatrice Lechler] Kill by Courtney Parent (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 15-22
[Beatrice Lechler] Service ace (Kristen Brewer). Point MCLA 15-23
[Beatrice Lechler] Service ace (TEAM). Point MCLA 15-24
16-24 [Beatrice Lechler] Kill by Tara Lyons (from Katherine Crane). Point NORWICH
  NORWICH subs: Courtney Quinn.  
17-24 [Tara Lyons] Attack error by Allison Clark (block by Courtney Quinn). Point NORWICH
[Tara Lyons] Kill by Courtney Parent (from Beatrice Lechler). Point MCLA 17-25
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